
  • Assigned 5 things to do for the week.
    1. Make Lab Notebook rows/columns for each week 0, 1, 2. Make a hack (IPYNB) and review/exit ticket for each row.
    2. Get my public site running.
    3. Work on revising my IPYNB file(s) and add in my required Hacks. Learn how to do “Code Fencing”, “Code Cells”. Revise Linux Shell IPYNB, prune and perform hacks to match my understanding.
    4. Revise Home Page to only be a Lab Notebook Cover sheet, Remove some of the content that I mistakingly put on this page regarding weekly plans and hacks …. move this information into my Lab Notebook rows/columns.
    5. Work on adding a Project, my choice will be a Calculator and I will add it as an independent _post that will be in Week1 hacks of my Notebook.
  • Updated my website. Created a new repository and cloned it down to my computer. I then drag and dorpped all the files I changed from the old repository into my new repository.


  • Worked on figuring out how to put things into the lab notebook and how the notebook is orginized.
  • Brainstormed what to put into the plans for the week.


  • Deleted old posts and created new posts in the plan section of the lab notebook and edited these posts.
  • Had to change my theme because it was messing with my website.


  • Finished up putting in all my plans for earlier weeks
  • Put in my snake game and changed the inputs to wasd and changed the food to an apple.


  • Live review